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Updated: May 6, 2020

Hurrah! I've finally got off my backside and set up my own design website!

I first learned how to knit when I was about five years old, when my super-awesome (now 101 year old!) grandma taught me how to knit.

It was some years later (about 25...) when I finally picked up my pins again when I was pregnant with my first child and had to give up all of the fun things in life. Little did I know, it would be the start of something so life changing!

I soon became addicted and my yarn stash quickly got out of hand. I honed my skills by reading books and watching billions of YouTube videos and soon taught myself to crochet too.

Once my second child was old enough to fend for himself (or go to nursery - same thing) I applied for a job at Cygnet Yarns - only as a sales assistant to begin with.

It soon became apparent that I'm completely useless at sales, but thankfully, Katie and Karen at Cygnet recognised that I had other skills and put me in charge of social media and marketing and even let me have a go at design.

Before long, I was visiting the factory in Istanbul (which by the way is MINDBLOWING!!) and being allowed to choose ranges and shades, as well as creating all of the patterns for the new website (which I also created).

My time at Cygnet was so special and I was so lucky to have such an incredible job where I had so much creative licence and learned so much.

After almost four years (and a divorce :D) I decided it was time to spread my wings and I became a full time freelance legal editor (yes - it's as dull as it sounds).

I lost my knitting mojo and crojo for some time following my divorce (rediscovering my love for eating out and drinking too much), but I'm very much back in love with the crafts again now and thought it was time to set up my own site.

I'm super lazy though, so it's taken this crazy time of lockdown during the Coronacrisis for me to pull my finger out and get it done!

I'll be posting all my patterns, as and when I have the motivation to type them up - I already have a load ready to go and, like any good crafter, have about 20 WIPs on the go!

So watch this space for all new crochet and knitting patterns (with a few freebies thrown in!) and please follow me on social media to keep up to date.


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